Monday, August 27, 2012

Omniverse Site Launches!


Nothing super special except a brand-new preview expanding on the short clip of Water Hazard we saw recently.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The More Things Change: Part 1 FREE on iTunes

If you live in America, you can definitely get the episode for free on iTunes. If not, check anyway, as I have no idea if it's free anywhere else. Definitely worth checking out, though. It's in HD!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Really Cool Omniverse Poses

I have no idea if these are official or fanart. If they are official, then they're news and warrant posting. If they are fanart, then they are the best danged fanart I've ever seen and they deserve a look either way.

Check them out!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Omniverse Eatle cartoon pic

This looks awesome. I'm sold. Thanks, Derrick!!

Benvicktor and Ditto confirmed

Q: "Which of the Omniverse aliens did you design? I know Chap Yaep did some of them, but I'm not sure which was made by who..."

A: "Well, I oversee all the designs, so I've had input and drawn parts or lots of most of them. Some of the ones I worked on from the start include: Shocksquatch, Upchuck, Grey Matter, Echo Echo, Ball Weevil, Way Big, Ben Viktor, Humungosaur, Kickin Hawk and Ditto. To name just a few."

I'm going to use a quote from My Little Pony to express my feelings on this:

"YesyesyesyesyesyesYESyesyesyesyesyesyesyes" - Twilight Sparkle


Monday, August 6, 2012

Tenn-Speed Cycle Review

Yesterday, we brought you one of, if not the, first review of Ben 10: Galactic Racing for the 3DS. Today, we have the first (probably) review of one of the first Omniverse vehicles: the Tenn-Speed Cycle! This bike of Ben's will be in the show, as confirmed by Derrick, and is also the first Omniverse toy to grace the shelves of my local target. So how is it? Read on!

(I apologize in advance for my poor photography)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ben 10: Galactic Racing (3DS) Review

Hello, readers that may or may not exist! Today, Ben 10 Reporter presents its very first game review! Did you know, there is almost no imformation on Galactic Racing 3DS on the internet? I had to use the back of the box and Nintendo eShop to decide whether or not to get it. Did I make the right choice? I dunno. Let's find out!

(DISCLAIMER: All screenshots are from Ben 10 Wiki unless otherwise stated and, because I have no idea how to screenshot my 3DS, are from consoles. Don't worry, it's the same game).

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The More Things Change: Part 1 Links

Okay, guys! Here I will post links as they become available. Stay tuned!

Cartoon Network: Coming Soon

Review coming later today!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Omniverse is Here!

That was a good episode! What did you people think?

I liked it, but hated the theme song. Full review coming tomorrow, along with streaming links.

Bandai Omniverse Site Launches!

Yep, Bandai's Omniverse site has launched featuring several new toys! Here's some pics!


Kickin Hawk HyperAlien Revealed

What can I say? This is AWESOME. It isn't Liam, though